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Q. What's you opinion of Mucuna pruriens for increasing testosterone?  A. Mucuna pruriens goes by the common names of velvet bean and cowitch. This ingredient has been used for quite some time as it...
Q. I heard Dr. Oz plug palm oil as a healthy fat, but isn’t palm oil a saturated fat? Does it really have any good benefits? A. Yes, palm oil does provide saturated fats, but one specific type of...
Q. There are so many different protein sources used in all the protein powders nowadays (whey concentrate, whey isolate, casein, milk protein, etc.). Can you please give me a quick explanation of the...
Q. How does CLA actually work to boost fat loss? A. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) attacks fat in a few different ways. The main way that CLA helps with fat loss is by preventing fat accumulation in...
Q. I read your article last issue about stacking for mass—great info! But what I really want to know is what supplement stack are you using right now, aside from greens, fish oil, and fiber? A....
Q. In the past you've given greens and fiber supplements more props than things like creatine and weight gainers! Are greens and fibers really that important? A. You’re damn right I did! And yes,...
Q. With the Lance Armstrong doping scandal, it seems like all top cyclists and MMA fighters are jacked up on EPO. What is EPO and does it have any applications for other sports? Can it help with fat...
Q. What’s the difference between capsiate and capsaicin? Or are they the same thing, just with different names? A. Capsaicin is a pungent capsaicinoid and comes from hot chili peppers, whereas...
Q. Everyone seems to be going nuts over D-aspartic acid and geranium, and now that Anthony Roberts prick seems to be pimping out Boussingaultia gracilis as the next ephedrine! What does The...
Q. Are there any new and effective (effective being the key!) estrogen blockers available? Since 6-OXO got yanked from the market, I haven’t been able to find an effective replacement. A. Well,...
