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Dieting for competition or just to look great with your shirt off can always be a challenge. Restricting total calorie intake, reducing carbs and fats, and increasing protein are usually common...
Pre-workout (PWO) powders have become increasingly popular over the past decade. Athletes, bodybuilders, fitness and physique competitors religiously swig back pre-workouts in an effort to maximize...
Carbohydrate supplements powders can help you maximize muscle growth and workout energy. Traditional forms of carb supplements are simple sugars such as dextrose or maltodextrin. Today, carbohydrate...
The Mediterranean diet has long been believed to provide many health benefits, and olives are one of the major sources of these benefits. Olive leaf extract delivers many bioactive polyphenols,...
Rhodiola rosea—Russia’s Golden Root! Rhodiola rosea, also known as roseroot or golden root, has a long history of use as a valuable medicinal plant. As early as the 19th century, Rhodiola was used...
What Is Glutathione? Glutathione is a naturally occurring molecule found in all living cells. When glutathione levels are depleted, cells encounter functional problems and ultimately, death....
As most of you MUSCLE INSIDER readers probably know by now, I’m a huge fan of greens supplements. They provide a huge number of benefits to athletes, lifters, and anyone looking to improve health and...
In a perfect world, every human being would be able to consume adequate amounts and a wide variety of whole, natural foods in their everyday diets. Foods consumed in their natural form contain all of...
When I look back at the history of nutrition and how it’s evolved, there are some key discoveries that have really shaped the core of sports nutrition as we know it today. Although this list could be...
Q: How has the science of sports supplements changed since the Arnold era? I mean, back in the day, Arnold and Lou were chewing back brewer’s yeast, digestive enzymes, wheat germ, and egg protein...
