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Q: I heard that Health Canada is going to start cracking down 
on what supplements can or can’t be sold here in Canada. Is this true? A: 
Yes, the NHPD (the division of Health Canada that regulates ...
Whey Protein Isolate 

Whey protein isolate (WPI) has a very high biological value and is considered the gold standard of all protein sources! Just like WPC, it’s derived from dairy, but WPI is...
QUESTION: I’m a bit of a newbie to supplements, but why do so many people use glutamine? ANSWER: It’s pretty simple: The main reason people use glutamine is to support better recovery. During and...
QUESTION: It’s summertime, and I need to shed that last bit of water before I hit the beach on the weekends. Any advice on the best natural diuretics I can use? ANSWER: Far and away, the two best...
QUESTION: My four-year old son always wants to have my protein shake every time I mix one up. But is it okay for kids to have protein shakes?  ANSWER As important as protein is for athletes and...
QUESTION: I see more and more antioxidants being included in sports supplement formulas. Can athletes really benefit from taking antioxidant supplements? ANSWER: Yes, athletes can definitely benefit...
QUESTION: When’s the best time to use a BCAA supplement? And do I really need to supplement with BCAAs if I’m already eating lots of protein every day? ANSWER During exercise—or any strenuous...
I’m a bit of a newbie to supplements, but why do so many people use glutamine? It’s pretty simple: The main reason people use glutamine is to support better recovery. During and after intense...
It’s summertime, and I need to shed that last bit of water before I hit the beach on the weekends. Any advice on the best natural diuretics I can use? Far and away, the two best natural diuretic...
What is  your opinion on D-Aspartic Acid as a test booster versus Tribulus or ZMA? First off, I have to say that I really like both tribulus and ZMA as test-boosting ingredients. In fact, both...
