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Q: What are some “superfood” ingredients that I should look out for in a greens product? A: There are a lot of great ingredients that can be included in greens products, but here’s the lowdown on ...
Q: I feel like aggravations at work are affecting me outside the office. How bad is stress and how can it affect my physique and health? A: It’s estimated that up to 75 percent of visits to primary ...
ONIONS BOOST TESTOSTERONE Clinical studies recently conducted in Iran show that onion
juice can help boost testosterone in animals. Researchers in
 Jordan, who were intrigued by this research,...
Q: I notice you include L-theanine in different formulas. What are all the benefits of this ingredient? A: L-theanine happens to be one of the amino acids that offers some very unique and...
Q: There are a lot of rumours going around on the Internet about the ingredient dendrobium and how it’s spiked with methamphetamines! Is any of this true? A: I’ve heard the same rumours. I can’t...
Q: There are so many different types of creatine available. Can you give me the lowdown on all the different forms and any benefits each might offer? A: Great question. There are a lot of different...
Top 5 Most Important Vitamins for Muscle Growth and Repair Vitamin A
 Vitamin A seems to be one of those forgotten vitamins, but it’s well known for its positive effects on eye health. For athletes...
DIM's full name is diindolylmethane, and it’s a natural compound formed during the breakdown of plants and the digestion of indole-3-carbinol which is a component of the Brassica genus of plants....
Q: Agmatine sulfate is appearing in a lot of supplements. Can you give me the lowdown on this ingredient? A: I’ll start out by saying this: There’s very little human research on agmatine...
Q: I was reading a supplement article online, and it kept referring to certain ingredients such as rhodiola as an adaptogen. What’s an adaptogen and what do they do? 
A: Adaptogens have become quite ...
