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Canadian IFBB Pro bodybuilder Zoa Linsey answers your questions on diet, training, supplementation and contest preparation!
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Shake A Meal A Shake

Q. I’ve heard some pros eat a shake followed by a meal followed by a shake. Is there any merit to this?

A. I’m sure the only reasoning behind this is due to nutrient timing, or a saturation of nutrients into the body at key times for someone who may have an extremely high metabolism or require an immense amount of calories to maintain their weight. Like any plan you decide to employ regarding training or nutrition, you have to ask yourself what your goals are and then list out your alternatives for fulfilling those goals. If you are trying to lose 40 lbs. of fat, it’s very unlikely that this type of eating schedule would be at all necessary. However if you are 240 at 6-7% bodyfat and have an extremely difficult time gaining weight, this may be part of an overall strategy you may use to gain weight. Of course, it’s also important to mention that mass amounts of protein are not the ‘golden ticket’ to big gains in the gym. It’s the right mix of nutrients – fat, carbs and protein – in strategic amounts – in combination with the appropriate training schedule & approach, that will see you gain the right kind of weight.