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Muscle Diet

Mark Gilbert BSc (Nutrition)
Mark is an expert in sports nutrition and dietary supplements. He has over 20 years of experience working with the biggest names in the bodybuilding industry.
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Is Organic Food Worth The Money?

QUESTION: Mark is eating Organic REALLY worth the money?

ANSWER: Yet another study - this time published in The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry - has concluded that there is no nutritional advantage to eating organic foods. Other studies have generally found that organic doesn't have significantly higher levels of vitamins and minerals but this study looked at other types of health-boosting nutrients in onions, carrots and potatoes produced from either organic or "normal" farming methods. They found that polyphenol antioxidant levels are similar in both groups of vegetables. As I've said in the past there may be advantages to some organic products (like milk, as organic is higher in essential fats) but overall, it looks like if there is a difference, it ain't big!

To read more of Mark Gilbert’s work, please visit his website at: www.MuscleDiet.net If you have a question you want answered, email us at: questions@muscle-insider.com

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