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Power Eating

Lauren Jacobsen BSc. (Biochemistry)
Lauren received a degree in biochemistry from Trent University in Ontario, Canada where she studied creatine and its effects on sport performance. After graduating, Lauren decided to use her biochemistry background to develop performance-enhancing supplements for many of the top supplement companies in the industry. Lauren also practices what she preaches and has competed in bodybuilding and figure competitions throughout the world. In fact, Lauren placed 1st at the Canadian Natural Nationals, qualifying to compete at the IFBB Women’s World Championships in Spain as part of Team Canada! Lauren’s also a regular contributor to Inside Fitness. She’s also the co host of the hit TV show “Body Fuel” where she presents viewers with the proper use of sports supplements for enhancing athletic performance. Lauren will arm you with the latest research on novel ingredients, delivery systems and of course new product releases. If there’s something that works or is a downright scam, Lauren will be the first to report on it!
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Getting Trained By Eric Dilauro

QUESTION: You have recently switched trainers to Eric Dilauro and you seem to have made some remarkable progress in your physique. How has your training and diet changed?

ANSWER: Thanks for noticing! Yes, after my 2009 season, I realized it was time to make a change if I really wanted to elevate myself to the next level and make the judges take notice. I met Eric in 2009 at the Arnolds through my good friend, Mr. Olympia himself, Jay Cutler. Eric is an integral part of Cutler’s training camp, and trusted friend of Jay. After an okay season of competing—second at Nationals and sixth at the North Americans—I knew it was time for a change and that I was capable of achieving much more with my physique! At the 2010 Arnolds, Eric and I discussed my goals for the season and the possibility of working together. By April, I was heading to LA to train and learn the discipline it takes to reach my goals. The biggest change I’ve made to both my training and dieting is consistency. And I don’t mean just in the on-season—I mean all year long. I no longer have an off-season! I stay within 10 percent of my stage weight all the time. The result: more quality muscle, better conditioning, and an easier diet and dial-in come competition time! To achieve a goal, you have to put in 100 percent of your effort all the time—there is no on or off-season!

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