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Power Eating

Lauren Jacobsen BSc. (Biochemistry)
Lauren received a degree in biochemistry from Trent University in Ontario, Canada where she studied creatine and its effects on sport performance. After graduating, Lauren decided to use her biochemistry background to develop performance-enhancing supplements for many of the top supplement companies in the industry. Lauren also practices what she preaches and has competed in bodybuilding and figure competitions throughout the world. In fact, Lauren placed 1st at the Canadian Natural Nationals, qualifying to compete at the IFBB Women’s World Championships in Spain as part of Team Canada! Lauren’s also a regular contributor to Inside Fitness. She’s also the co host of the hit TV show “Body Fuel” where she presents viewers with the proper use of sports supplements for enhancing athletic performance. Lauren will arm you with the latest research on novel ingredients, delivery systems and of course new product releases. If there’s something that works or is a downright scam, Lauren will be the first to report on it!
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Can I Gain Muscle While Cutting?

Q. Is it possible to gain muscle while dieting down for a show?

A. Yes, if you’re following the correct nutrition plan, it’s possible to not just maintain muscle but also actually gain muscle while dieting for a show. To gain muscle takes work in the form of consistency. Most competitors are far more consistent in the on-season than they are in the off-season. And that goes for both training and nutrition. In fact, if you’re on your game in the off-season, the on-season contest prep mode becomes that much easier. You not only will maintain your size but also may even find that you pack on some quality muscle too. By committing to a lifestyle of eating clean and following a weight training program, you’ll not only maintain hard-earned muscle during a diet-down but also present a more conditioned physique every time you step onstage. The less body fat you need to lose come showtime, the more muscle you’ll retain. Through science and research, we now know there are much more effective ways to put on lean muscle without added fat gain. Long gone are the days of bulking up with added fat weight in the off-season, only to lose it again come contest time—and I don’t mean just the fat, but the muscle too! Consuming the right nutrients at the right time can ensure you maximize the key anabolic muscle-building times, including before, during, and after the workout. Branched-chain amino acids such as leucine are key, helping to reduce muscle catabolism and aid muscle growth, recovery, and repair to optimize muscle building. Also, consider your protein and carbohydrate sources; top-quality food into the body means top-quality results! Stick to lean cuts of meat, poultry, and fish for protein, while carbohydrates should take the form of complex sources such as oatmeal, sweet potato, brown rice, or quinoa.

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